In June 2017 Vittorio Russolillo (Owner of Style Bar) offered all long-term employees a more stable position by allowing them the opportunity to invest further into the business by means of buying shares within the company.
Last year we had two store managers come on board as the first ever employees to buy shares and officially join the Style Bar group. Today we would like to congratulate and welcome aboard our third Shareholder Claudia O’Connell who has decided to join the group as a shareholder of our Pinehurst salon.
Claudia has been with the team for 5 years and has shown outstanding performance and dedication towards her job and store. Claudia is not only shareholder and manager of Style Bar Pinehurst but an amazing senior stylist who loves what she does.
Allowing staff members to expand and grow with the company plays a huge role in increasing commitment and empowerment within each salon which is vital for building a better brand. Without commitment our salons would never have been where they are today and if we increase that we could become much more than what we are aiming for.
Based on a merit system the shareholder positions are offered to long-term staff members that have taken on responsibility and have proven themselves to be team players and set good examples to those entering the door after they have.
Style Bar has expanded a tremendous amount, by the end of 2018, we would have 11 Style Bar salons. We are hoping that more staff members will take the opportunity to grow within the company and that we would one day have a shareholder within each salon.