On the 23rd July we threw a Party to celebrate the year we have had and to introduce the staff to the exciting things we have ahead for our Brands.
We had a few formalities to get out of the way first, Vittorio our Owner informed the staff of the exciting things to come for our brands and this led into a fun game of BINGO! Vittorio then introduced Key staff members to the Teams and these introductions were followed by the Highlight of the evening, the Dress up competition. Staff was divided into teams and given a bag of very odd craft type items to create their master pieces. Models strutted their stuff up and down the runway and one winning team was chosen and awarded their prizes.
We had a short Prize giving, where a few different awards were handed out to team members who had excelled in certain areas and after that the food and dancing started. Boy did we have some ladies and gents come out of their normally shy characters. Staff left with incredible goodie bags, thanks to some of our wonderful suppliers and we think everyone had the best time. Until next year…